
Justin Case: School, Drool, and Other Daily Disasters by Rachel Vail

Justin Case: School, Drool, and Other Daily Disasters
Written by Rachel Vail
Illustrated by Matthew Cordell

Well, I must begin as I began this book. How am I going to make it through 246 pages of a whiney third grader's diary? However, after just a few more pages, I was hooked! 

Justin Case is witty. His fears are genuine. His problems are realistic. Mostly, the book is funny! Rachel Vail does a great job of including smile makers for kids and adults. A great read.

Below is one of my favorite diary entries from the book. Have I mentioned this book is written in the ever popular diary format? It is. 

Those of us who would rather curl up with a good book, or any book for that matter, rather than go to gym class can relate to Justin's thoughts:

May 3, Monday

There is something worse in gym than relay races.
It is called gymnastics.
There is a reason people don't normally climb up ropes or hang upside down by their knees.
It is called we are not monkeys or bats.

Yay, Justin! I adore how you think! 


A Whole Nother Story As told by Dr. Cuthbert Soup

Fabulously Illustrated by Jeffrey Stewart Timmins

Since I don't possess vocabulary sufficient to share my adoration of this book and it's witty witticisms, I'll simply quote the genius Dr. Soup, purveyor of unsolicited advice. Enjoy...

The characters depicted in this book are real. Any similarity to cartoon characters, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

The pen is mightier than the sword, though both can ruin a good shirt.

A wise man once said, 'Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it,' and that would be a terrible thing because, as a wise man once said, 'Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.'

I couldn't put this book down! It kept me wondering what would happen next as I continuously smiled at the subtle witty genius contained within the pages.

Sadly, I can't seem to get my 9 year old, read a book a day, niece interested. The cover didn't grab her.  However, I plan to read an excerpt to her the next time I'm blessed with her magnificent presence.

She is currently borrowing my copy of The Memory Bank by Carolyn Comen which she couldn't put down during her last visit. 

Shameless Plug: Watch for an upcoming review of The Memory Bank. My niece's comment that The Memory Bank is "Really, really, really good" has given me high expectations.

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